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How do I transfer a domain name to Fabulous?

To transfer domain names from another registrar into Fabulous please follow the steps below:

1.) Ensure domain to be transferred is not Registrar Locked (i.e has a WHOIS status of ACTIVE) and was first registered more than 60 days ago.


2.) Login to your Fabulous account and go to the Transfer In page in the Manage area.


3.) Enter the domain(s) you would like to transfer into the Transfer Bulk Domains box along with the Authorization code for each domain in the format outlined below, then click the "Start Your Transfer" button. Note: .UK does not use an authorization code.


4.) The page will refresh, allowing you to select the WHOIS contact profiles you would like to use for the domains. Click the "Continue" button.


5.) Review the items in your cart and press the Checkout Now button to complete the transfer request.


6.) The domain owner then has five (5) days to explicitly approve or decline the transfer within their account at the losing registrar. If no response is received, after no longer than 5 days the Central Registry should automatically transfer the domain to

Note: Depending on the time of day that the losing Registrar auto approves or the owner approves the transfer it can take up to 24 hours for the domain name shown in your account


Once your domain has been successfully transferred, you can manage your domain through your account.

Note: .CO.UK and .UK domains require you to update to our ISP tag in addition to the above instructions. Our ISP tag is 1API-DE.

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