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Why isn't my email forwarding working?

If you have set up email forwarding for a domain name and it is not working, please take the following factors into consideration:

  • A domain's Nameservers must be set to and (Fabulous Default) for email forwarding to work. If you only recently changed the Nameserver settings for this domain name over to Fabulous, please allow 24-48 hours for these changes to propagate. If you are unsure whether your domain name is set to the Fabulous Default Nameservers, you can perform a WHOIS lookup on the domain to check.
  • Email forwarding may take 24-48 hours to activate.
  • The email address you are forwarding to may not be functioning correctly. We recommend that you send a test email directly to this email address to confirm that it is working.
  • Your email provider may be filtering out the forwarded emails. Please check your junk email box and spam filter settings to determine whether this is the case.
  • The domain name might not be active. If a domain name expires all settings such as Nameservers are deactivated, which would cause email forwarding to stop working. If you are unsure whether your domain name is currently active, you can perform a WHOIS lookup on the domain to check.


If you have checked all of these things and still experience problems with email forwarding, please contact our Customer Care department at

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