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How do I put an Executive Lock on my Domain?

Releasing the Executive Lock may take several days to proceed.

To put an Executive Lock on your domain please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Domains page of the Manage area of your account.

  2. Click on the domain you wish to place an Executive Lock on.

  3. Scroll to the Details section and set the Executive Lock setting to the on position.

  4. A pop up window will launch. Please carefully read through what status Executive Lock does.

  5. Enter the conditions that must be met for the status lock to be removed in the text box provided. For example, you could specify that we must contact a certain person via telephone for confirmation, or that the lock should only be removed if someone provides a specific password via email.

  6. After entering the required conditions click on the "Continue" button to confirm your selection.

You have now placed an Executive Lock on your domain.



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