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What are the Organizational, Administrative, Technical and Account contacts for?

When you register or take ownership of a domain name, you will be required to list the owner of the domain, as well as nominate Administrative, Technical and Account (Billing) contacts who are authorized to manage different aspects of the domain. These contacts can be individuals or organizations other than the owner.

These details will be publicly available on the WHOIS record for the domain name.

The Organizational contact

This is the legal owner of the domain name. This can be an individual or a company.

The Administrative contact

This is the person or organization authorized to make administrative decisions and carry out domain management functions on behalf of the owner. Domain name transfer authorization emails and legal correspondence regarding the domain name are sent to the Administrative contact. Generally, the Administrative contact will be the owner or an authorized person from your company.

The Technical contact

This is the person or organization responsible for technical aspects of the domain name.

The Billing contact

Also referred to as the Account contact, this is the person or organization responsible for billing for the domain name (i.e. registration and renewal fees).



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